


ConsoleMessage Public class representing a JavaScript console message from WebCore. 
GeolocationPermissionsCallback A callback interface used by the host application to set the Geolocation permission state for an origin. 
HttpAuthHandler Represents a request for HTTP authentication. 
ISelectionInterface 内核选择复制状态回调接口处理类, 设置方法参考setSelectListener(ISelectionInterface) 
IX5ScrollListener 监测WebView的overScroll行为。 
IX5WebBackForwardListClient 历史记录变化回调接口类,可以用来维护历史记录列表, 设置方法参考 setWebBackForwardListClient(IX5WebBackForwardListClient) 
IX5WebChromeClient.CustomViewCallback A callback interface used by the host application to notify the current page that its custom view has been dismissed. 
IX5WebViewBase.FindListener Interface to listen for find results. 
JsPromptResult Public class for handling JavaScript prompt requests. 
JsResult An instance of this class is passed as a parameter in various WebChromeClient action notifications. 
MediaAccessPermissionsCallback 当网页请求摄像头,MCI权限时将会回调 onPermissionRequest(String, long, MediaAccessPermissionsCallback) 其中callback为该类的实例,可以利用该回调接口设置允许获取的权限类型,以及对应的授权是否缓存 
PermissionRequest This class defines a permission request and is used when web content requests access to protected resources. 
SslError This class represents a set of one or more SSL errors and the associated SSL certificate. 
SslErrorHandler Represents a request for handling an SSL error. 
WebResourceRequest Encompasses parameters to the shouldInterceptRequest(WebView, WebResourceRequest) method. 


ClientCertRequest ClientCertRequest: The user receives an instance of this class as a parameter of onReceivedClientCertRequest(WebView, ClientCertRequest)
ServiceWorkerClient Base class for clients to capture Service Worker related callbacks, see ServiceWorkerController for usage example. 
ServiceWorkerWebSettings Manages settings state for all Service Workers. 
UrlRequest Controls an HTTP request (GET, PUT, POST etc). 
UrlRequest.Builder Builder for UrlRequests. 
UrlRequest.Callback Users of Cronet extend this class to receive callbacks indicating the progress of a UrlRequest being processed. 
UrlResponseInfo Basic information about a response. 
UrlResponseInfo.HeaderBlock Unmodifiable container of response headers or trailers. 
WebResourceError Encapsulates information about errors occured during loading of web resources. 
WebResourceResponse Encapsulates a resource response. 



CallbackException Exception passed to UrlRequest.Callback.onFailed() when UrlRequest.Callback method throws an exception. 
X5netException Base exception passed to UrlRequest.Callback.onFailed()