DownloadListener | |
JsContext.ExceptionHandler | 由需要处理 JavaScript 异常的对象实现,如异常上报等。
QbSdk.PreInitCallback | 内核初始化完成回调,参考initX5Environment(Context, QbSdk.PreInitCallback) ,preInit(Context, QbSdk.PreInitCallback)
TbsCommonCode | TBS通用码,用户可自行处理的下载、安装状态码 |
TbsListener | 内核下载/安装过程中的回调
TbsCommonCode 参考错误码详情 |
ValueCallback<T> | A callback interface used to provide values asynchronously. |
WebStorage.QuotaUpdater | This interface is deprecated. This class is obsolete and no longer used. |
WebViewCallbackClient | |
WebViewClient.RenderProcessGoneDetail |
CookieManager | Manages the cookies used by an application's WebView instances. |
DateSorter | Sorts dates into the following groups: Today Yesterday seven days ago one month ago older than a month ago |
GeolocationPermissions | This class is used to manage permissions for the WebView's Geolocation JavaScript API. |
JsContext | 每个 JsContext 实例表示一个 JavaScript 执行环境,用于执行 JavaScript 脚本,访问 JavaScript
中定义和计算出的值,以及创建供 JavaScript 访问的对象、方法和函数。 |
JsError | JsContext.ExceptionHandler 回调的 JavaScript 运行过程中所触发异常信息。 |
JsValue | 每个 JsValue 实例是对一个 JavaScript 值的引用,用于对 JavaScript 引擎返回的不特定数据类型的判断以及与
Java 数据类型的转换。 |
JsVirtualMachine | 每个 JsVirtualMachine 实例表示一个自足的(self-contained) JavaScript 执行环境。
为避免 JavaScript 虚拟机执行过程中占用当前线程时间过长,一般每个 JsVirtualMachine 会单独创建一个 Java
线程 线程执行所有的 JavaScript 操作, JsVirtualMachine 对象及其关联的 JsContext
对象的所有方法调用均会抛送 到该线程执行,如有返回值,则会阻塞当前线程等待返回结果。
使用者也可以通过 JsVirtualMachine(Context, Looper) 指定 Java
线程的 Looper 构造 JsVirtualMachine 实例,如指定当前线程以减少跨线程操作,或自己创建 Java
线程,以处理一些初始化操作。 |
MimeTypeMap | Two-way map that maps MIME-types to file extensions and vice versa. |
QbSdk | TBS的全局静态控制类 |
ServiceWorkerController | Manages Service Workers used by WebView. |
UrlRequestBuilderImpl | |
URLUtil | |
WebBackForwardList | This class contains the back/forward list for a WebView. |
WebChromeClient | |
WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams | Parameters used in the onShowFileChooser(WebView, ValueCallback method. |
WebHistoryItem | A convenience class for accessing fields in an entry in the back/forward list of a WebView. |
WebSettings | |
WebStorage | This class is used to manage the JavaScript storage APIs provided by the
WebView . |
WebStorage.Origin | This class encapsulates information about the amount of storage currently used by an origin for the JavaScript storage APIs. |
WebView | |
WebView.HitTestResult | Hit test result |
WebView.WebViewTransport | Transportation object for returning WebView across thread boundaries. |
WebViewClient | |
WebViewDatabase | This class allows developers to determine whether any WebView used in the application has stored any of the following types of browsing data and to clear any such stored data for all WebViews in the application. |
WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm | Enum for controlling the layout of html. |