public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.tencent.smtt.export.external.interfaces.WebResourceResponse

Class Overview

Encapsulates a resource response. Applications can return an instance of this class from shouldInterceptRequest(WebView, WebResourceRequest) to provide a custom response when the WebView requests a particular resource.


Public Constructors
WebResourceResponse(String mimeType, String encoding, InputStream data)
Constructs a resource response with the given MIME type, encoding, and input stream.
WebResourceResponse(String mimeType, String encoding, int statusCode, String reasonPhrase, Map<String, String> responseHeaders, InputStream data)
Constructs a resource response with the given parameters.
Public Methods
InputStream getData()
Gets the input stream that provides the resource respone's data.
String getEncoding()
Gets the resource response's encoding.
String getMimeType()
Gets the resource response's MIME type.
String getReasonPhrase()
Gets the description of the resource response's status code.
Map<String, String> getResponseHeaders()
Gets the headers for the resource response.
int getStatusCode()
Gets the resource response's status code.
void setData(InputStream data)
Sets the input stream that provides the resource respone's data.
void setEncoding(String encoding)
Sets the resource response's encoding, for example UTF-8.
void setMimeType(String mimeType)
Sets the resource response's MIME type, for example text/html.
void setResponseHeaders(Map<String, String> headers)
Sets the headers for the resource response.
void setStatusCodeAndReasonPhrase(int statusCode, String reasonPhrase)
Sets the resource response's status code and reason phrase.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public WebResourceResponse ()

public WebResourceResponse (String mimeType, String encoding, InputStream data)

Constructs a resource response with the given MIME type, encoding, and input stream. Callers must implement[]) for the input stream.

mimeType the resource response's MIME type, for example text/html
encoding the resource response's encoding
data the input stream that provides the resource response's data

public WebResourceResponse (String mimeType, String encoding, int statusCode, String reasonPhrase, Map<String, String> responseHeaders, InputStream data)

Constructs a resource response with the given parameters. Callers must implement[]) for the input stream.

mimeType the resource response's MIME type, for example text/html
encoding the resource response's encoding
statusCode the status code needs to be in the ranges [100, 299], [400, 599]. Causing a redirect by specifying a 3xx code is not supported.
reasonPhrase the phrase describing the status code, for example "OK". Must be non-null and not empty.
responseHeaders the resource response's headers represented as a mapping of header name -> header value.
data the input stream that provides the resource response's data. Must not be a StringBufferInputStream.

Public Methods

public InputStream getData ()

Gets the input stream that provides the resource respone's data.

  • the input stream that provides the resource response's data

public String getEncoding ()

Gets the resource response's encoding.

  • the resource response's encoding

public String getMimeType ()

Gets the resource response's MIME type.

  • the resource response's MIME type

public String getReasonPhrase ()

Gets the description of the resource response's status code.

  • The description of the resource response's status code.

public Map<String, String> getResponseHeaders ()

Gets the headers for the resource response.

  • The headers for the resource response.

public int getStatusCode ()

Gets the resource response's status code.

  • The resource response's status code.

public void setData (InputStream data)

Sets the input stream that provides the resource respone's data. Callers must implement[]).

data the input stream that provides the resource response's data

public void setEncoding (String encoding)

Sets the resource response's encoding, for example UTF-8. This is used to decode the data from the input stream.

encoding the resource response's encoding

public void setMimeType (String mimeType)

Sets the resource response's MIME type, for example text/html.

mimeType the resource response's MIME type

public void setResponseHeaders (Map<String, String> headers)

Sets the headers for the resource response.

headers Mapping of header name -> header value.

public void setStatusCodeAndReasonPhrase (int statusCode, String reasonPhrase)

Sets the resource response's status code and reason phrase.

statusCode the status code needs to be in the ranges [100, 299], [400, 599]. Causing a redirect by specifying a 3xx code is not supported.
reasonPhrase the phrase describing the status code, for example "OK". Must be non-null and not empty.